Blaine Miller

Blaine Miller

Senior Software Engineer & Photographer

Blaine’s journey since high school and college graduation has been nothing short of remarkable. He’s not only launched three successful social networks but also received the prestigious Innovation & Impact award at his Bachelor of Science graduation ceremony.

His professional trajectory has seen him contribute to two startups in his local city before landing a remote position with an outstanding company in the publishing industry. Blaine’s expertise spans across PHP and Node.JS development, with proficiency in crafting applications using C#, Java, and Swift. However, his thirst for knowledge extends beyond these languages, as he eagerly embraces new ones and seeks practical applications for them.

Outside of the tech realm, Blaine has immersed himself in the captivating world of photography. Landscapes and nature hold a special place in his heart, driving him to traverse the West Coast in pursuit of breathtaking shots of stars, sea, and mountains. With a keen eye for unique perspectives, he’s also mastered the art of drone piloting, capturing stunning aerial views. Recently, Blaine has delved into the nostalgic realm of 35mm film photography, adding yet another dimension to his creative repertoire.

When he’s not behind the lens, Blaine finds joy in good-natured camaraderie, engaging in board and video games with friends and family. Whether it’s the adrenaline rush of the Call of Duty series or the timeless appeal of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, laughter and memorable moments abound. Adding to his list of passions, Blaine welcomed a miniature Australian Shepherd named Luma into his life, affectionately named after her radiant spirit—truly embodying luminosity in every way.

Miller’s Apps

A collection of various web based tools for a multitude of purposes. Need to convert data, download content, solve puzzles, make posters. There are several tools here.

Mi Speaks

Want to listen to that long research paper? This native iOS app allows you to enjoy your written content from anywhere by listening to it. In a rush, use Turbo mode to speed read anything.

Ari Helper

An on device, privacy focused, chat app that lets you chat with a micro large language model from anywhere including Siri. Its fast, and efficient and runs on iphones, ipads and macs.


A marketing company that focused on bringing unique software interactions to life on both web and mobile. From launching the YouTube for books, to a geospatial passive social network, nothing was too unique to try.


Anything that hasn’t been updated or worked on in several years eventually goes to this area. It is not a pretty or fancy system, just a place to show old work.

Contact Blaine Miller